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Yoga with Jamie Rowland

Lovingly challenge yourself with Jamie

Meet Jamie


Even after recovering from an eating disorder at a young age, exercise was never a simple aspect of life for Jamie… until he discovered the practice of Yoga. Yoga provided Jamie with a practice to unite his already blossoming spirituality with his love of movement, allowing him to keep his body and mind healthy with the primary focus of the practice being to foster loving presence, rather than anything aesthetic. From this point, the practice has brought him a deep peace and inner knowing, something which he endeavours to bring to the lives of every one of his students.

Jamie's teaching style

Jamie RowlandJamie Rowland

Jamie’s classes are challenging and dynamic, but are always delivered from a place of loving non-judgement, in which every student is reminded that their practice is unique and personal to them. For Jamie, it is never about “how it looks”, but rather, “how it feels”, and he views his classes as a playground for each person to explore and learn about themselves.

Classes at yoga soul

Vinyasa Yoga

Vinyasa Yoga

Find your flow with our Vinyasa Yoga classes – connect your body to your mind through breath and movement.

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Rocket Yoga

Rocket Yoga

Be challenged with our Rocket Yoga classes, for beginner to experienced yogis.

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Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga

Invite yourself into stillness with yin yoga, suitable for everyone.

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